WCHS Uniform
Warnbro Community High School Uniform Suppliers are Hip Pocket in Port Kennedy, where you purchase our uniforms directly from their store during their opening hours. Please click on attached Hip Pocket’s price list for prices, their opening hours and contact details or visit SHOP BY CUSTOMER Schools (hippocketworkwear.com.au)
Warnbro CHS Uniform Price List 2025
Warnbro Community High School’s uniform policy was developed by the School Board in consultation with students, their parents and staff of our school. The range of uniform pieces are varied enough for students to individualise their look, cater for WA’s climate and accommodates Warnbro Community High School activities.
The Department’s Dress Codes for Students Policy, states that all Public Schools are required to have a dress code and students are required to comply with the code, unless they have been granted an exemption. Exemptions and sanctions will be managed in accordance with the School Education Regulations 2000 and requirements in the Dress Code for Student Procedures.
- The dress requirement applies at all times when attending school or school excursions;
- Students wearing the uniform outside of the school are expected to behave in a manner that promotes a positive school image;
- All uniform items can be purchased from the store – Hot Klobba in Port Kennedy;
- Appropriate footwear must be worn by all students.
Personal Presentation
It is important that students take pride in themselves, the school and the community.
- Uniform items are to be neat and clean;
- Uniform items are to be worn to size and design;
- We encourage students to be sun smart.
A school uniform reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community and assists in developing pride in representing their school. Issues of equality, health and safety are factors that contribute to the establishment of the uniform.
At Warnbro Community High School, we aim to develop a strong sense of belonging and school pride. Our dress requirements help us to:
- Enables teachers to quickly identify our own students from others;
- Encourages equity among students;
- Caters for all seasons;
- Assist in building school pride;
- Foster and enhance the public image of the school;
- Looks good and easy to care for.
Uniform Management
All students, parents and staff have a role to play in uniform management.
All students who attend Warnbro Community High School are required to wear full school uniform. The uniform enables students to be clearly identified as members of the school community and encourages a sense of positive identity. Students are required to wear their school uniform when travelling to and from school, on all excursions and when attending exams.
Are asked to support the school uniform policy and dress requirements by checking students at home and responding to school communications regarding uniform concerns. Where a student cannot comply with the dress requirements, a note is required from the parent/guardian.
Parents who qualify can apply for the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS), which includes a $115 Clothing Allowance and $235 Education Program Allowance. Applications are available during Term 1 of each school year, see Accounts for an application.
The school retains some spare uniforms, which are available from Student Services.
All school staff share co-responsibility to encourage compliance with the school dress requirements.
Procedure for students without uniform:
- If students are having uniform difficulties, they need to see Student Services before school to have a discussion regarding this.
- If students arrive at class completely out of uniform without a note from Student Services, their Year Coordinator/Manager will contact home and follow set procedures.
- Class teachers will mark students that have incorrect uniform on Compass.
- Year Coordinators will monitor uniform status and students may lose their Good Standing, if they continue to not follow school uniform policy and procedure.